sábado, 25 de julio de 2009


Go to your house, only with a piece of yarn, get inside of your house....you can do it faster..those were my words to the kids. Let´s play and learn with your teachers, this activity involve not of teachers Madre Pilar Izquierdo this was a moment of integration and knowing a little bit more of the kids and teachers taught, let them known themselves a little bit more. let them share a little bit more, beyond responsabilities. cause social service involve knowing yourself, and helping others to be better on what they do everyday, this also help me to understand my work with kids, in garabatos, it also make me think about the quality of my work and the energy i put on it. think also that sometimes is hard to see our mistakes if we don´t have someone else to tell us. So this social service help me to grow intelectually and personally, help me to understand more of what i want to be, how i want to do it, how much can i change, how much can others teach me...at the end i thought i was helping somebody else, but i was helping myself. So Thanks!

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